Workout Name: Panama Jack
Presenting Sponsor: Warrior WOD
Division: Individual
Rx |
Intermediate |
35-44 |
45+ |
Scaled |
14-16 |
300 yard Run 8 DB Front Squats 7 DB S2OH 6 DB Thrusters 8 Pull-ups 7 C2B Pull-ups 6 Bar Muscle-ups 200 yard Run 6 DB Front Squats 5 DB S2OH 4 DB Thrusters 6 Pull-ups 5 C2B Pull-ups 4 Bar Muscle-ups 100 yard Run 4 DB Front Squats 3 DB S2OH 2 DB Thrusters 4 Pull-ups 3 C2B Pull-ups 2 Bar Muscle-ups DB: 70 / 50 |
300 yard Run 8 DB Front Squats 7 DB S2OH 6 DB Thrusters 8 Toes to Bar 7 Pull-ups 6 C2B Pull-ups 200 yard Run 6 DB Front Squats 5 DB S2OH 4 DB Thrusters 6 Toes to Bar 5 Pull-ups 4 C2B Pull-ups 100 yard Run 4 DB Front Squats 3 DB S2OH 2 DB Thrusters 4 Toes to Bar 3 Pull-ups 2 C2B Pull-ups DB: 50 / 35 |
300 yard Run 8 DB Front Squats 7 DB S2OH 6 DB Thrusters 8 Toes to Bar 7 Pull-ups 6 C2B Pull-ups 200 yard Run 6 DB Front Squats 5 DB S2OH 4 DB Thrusters 6 Toes to Bar 5 Pull-ups 4 C2B Pull-ups 100 yard Run 4 DB Front Squats 3 DB S2OH 2 DB Thrusters 4 Toes to Bar 3 Pull-ups 2 C2B Pull-ups DB: 50 / 35 |
300 yard Run 8 DB Front Squats 7 DB S2OH 6 DB Thrusters 8 Toes to Bar 7 Pull-ups 6 C2B Pull-ups 200 yard Run 6 DB Front Squats 5 DB S2OH 4 DB Thrusters 6 Toes to Bar 5 Pull-ups 4 C2B Pull-ups 100 yard Run 4 DB Front Squats 3 DB S2OH 2 DB Thrusters 4 Toes to Bar 3 Pull-ups 2 C2B Pull-ups DB: 50 / 35 |
300 yard Run 8 DB Front Squats 7 DB S2OH 6 DB Thrusters 20 HKR 10 Ring Rows 200 yard Run 6 DB Front Squats 5 DB S2OH 4 DB Thrusters 16 HKR 8 Ring Rows 100 yard Run 4 DB Front Squats 3 DB S2OH 2 DB Thrusters 12 HKR 6 Ring Rows DB: 35 / 25 |
300 yard Run 8 DB Front Squats 7 DB S2OH 6 DB Thrusters 8 Toes to Bar 7 Pull-ups 6 C2B Pull-ups 200 yard Run 6 DB Front Squats 5 DB S2OH 4 DB Thrusters 6 Toes to Bar 5 Pull-ups 4 C2B Pull-ups 100 yard Run 4 DB Front Squats 3 DB S2OH 2 DB Thrusters 4 Toes to Bar 3 Pull-ups 2 C2B Pull-ups DB: 35 / 25 |
Workout Flow:
This workout has one scoring opportunity. The following description will use the Rx work capacity for clarity. If you are not Rx, please refer to your division.
At the call of go, the athlete will begin a 300 yd shuttle run (50 yards down around an object and 50 yards back, three times). Once the run is completed, the athlete will pick up both dumbbells (70 lbs for male / 50 lbs for female) and perform 8 dumbbell front squats, 7 dumbbell shoulder to overhead and 6 dumbbell thrusters. Upon completing the dumbbell work, the athlete will move to the rig for 8 pull-ups, 7 C2B pull-ups and 6 bar muscle-ups. Once the gymnastics have been completed, the athlete will take off on a 200 yard shuttle run (50 yards down around an object and 50 yards back, two times). Once the run is completed they will do 6 dumbbell front squats, 5 dumbbell shoulder to overhead, 4 dumbbell thrusters. After completing the dumbbell work, they will move back to the rig to perform 6 pull-ups, 5 C2B pull-ups and 4 bar muscle-ups. Once the gymnastic work is complete, the athlete will take off on a 100 yd shuttle run (50 yards down around an object and 50 yards back, one time). Once the run is completed they will do 4 dumbbell front squats, 3 dumbbell shoulder to overhead, 2 dumbbell thrusters. After completing the dumbbell work, they will move back to the rig to perform 4 pull-ups, 3 C2B pull-ups and 2 bar muscle-ups. After the last bar muscle-up, the athlete will sprint through the finish line, where time will be recorded.
Workout Standards:
Run: Athletes must stay in their designated lanes and will run 50 yards down around an object and back for the distance prescribed.
Dumbbell Front Squats: Athletes must hold the dumbbells in the front rack position with at least one head of the dumbbells contacting the shoulder. With the dumbbells in the front rack position, athletes must squat until the crease of the hips are below the knees and stand all the way up to full extension. The repetition is complete when the knees and hips are at full extension.
Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead: Athletes must hold the dumbbells in the front rack position with at least one head of the dumbbells contacting the shoulder. Athletes may perform any style of press / jerk overhead. The repetition is complete when the dumbbells are overhead and the knees, hips and elbows are at full extension. If a split jerk is performed, the feet must be moved back under the hips with the dumbbells overhead and the knees, hips and elbows at full extension before the rep is considered complete.
Dumbbell Thrusters: Athletes must hold the dumbbells in the front rack position with at least one head of the dumbbells contacting the shoulder. Athletes must squat to a depth where the crease of the hips are below the knees, then stand and press the dumbbells overhead in one fluid motion (jerking the dumbbell is NOT allowed). The repetition is complete when the dumbbells are extended overhead with the knees, hips and elbows in full extension.
Pull-ups: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met. The rep is complete when the athlete’s chin breaks the horizontal plane of the bar. Strict, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as the requirements are met.
CTB Pull-ups: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met. The rep is complete when the athlete’s chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at or below the collarbone. Strict, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as the requirements are met.
Bar Muscle-ups: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip. The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar. The rep is complete when the athlete’s arms are fully locked out in the support position above the bar, and the athlete’s shoulders are over or slightly in front of the bar. Only the hands, and no other part of the arm, may touch the bar during the rep. Removing the hands in the support position is not allowed. At lockout, only the arms may support the athlete’s weight.
Toes to Bar: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. The heels must pass behind the rig for the rep to count. Overhand, underhand, or mixed grips are permitted. The rep is complete when both feet contact the bar. Any part of the feet may make contact with the bar.
Scaled ONLY:
Ring Rows: The rings will be preset at a predetermined height (~ 42” from the bottom of the ring to the ground). Athletes' feet will be on a line directly underneath the rings. The rep begins with athletes holding the rings in their hands and leaning back with arms in full extension. The rep is complete when the athletes pull their body to the rings and make contact with their chest to the rings.
Hanging Knee Raises: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. The heels must pass behind the rig for the rep to count. Overhand, underhand, or mixed grips are permitted. The rep is complete when both knees raise above the crease of the hips.
Time Cap: 9 minutes
Score: For Time
Tie Breaker: N/A.
Special Instructions: N/A
Workout Name: Jetty
Presenting Sponsor: Imagination Athletics
Division: Team
Rx |
Intermediate |
Masters (CoEd Only) |
Scaled |
300 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Synchro Pull-ups 10 Synchro C2B Pull-ups 8 Synchro Bar Muscle-ups 200 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Synchro Pull-ups 10 Synchro C2B Pull-ups 8 Synchro Bar Muscle-ups 100 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Synchro Pull-ups 10 Synchro C2B Pull-ups 8 Synchro Bar Muscle-ups DB: 70 / 50 |
300 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Toes To Bar 10 Pull-ups 8 C2B Pull-ups 200 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Toes To Bar 10 Pull-ups 8 C2B Pull-ups 100 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Toes To Bar 10 Pull-ups 8 C2B Pull-ups DB: 50 / 35 |
300 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Toes To Bar 10 Pull-ups 8 C2B Pull-ups 200 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Toes To Bar 10 Pull-ups 8 C2B Pull-ups 100 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 Toes To Bar 10 Pull-ups 8 C2B Pull-ups DB: 50 / 35 |
300 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 HKR 10 Ring Rows 8 Pull-ups 200 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 HKR 10 Ring Rows 8 Pull-ups 100 yard Run 12 S/A Synchro Front Squats 10 S/A Synchro S2OH 8 S/A Synchro Thrusters 12 HKR 10 Ring Rows 8 Pull-ups DB: 35 / 25 |
Workout Flow:
This workout has one scoring opportunity. The following description will use the Rx work capacity for clarity. If you are not Rx, please refer to your division.
At the call of go, all four athletes will begin a 300 yd shuttle run (holding a rope - 50 yards down, around an object, and 50 yards back, three times). Once the run is completed, the athletes will pick up one dumbbell each and perform 12 single-arm synchronized dumbbell front squats, 10 single-arm synchronized dumbbell shoulder to overhead, and 8 single-arm synchronized dumbbell thrusters (70 lbs for the males / 50 lbs for the females | see standards for synchronicity details). Once completed, the team will move to the rig, where two athletes will perform gymnastic movements while the other two athletes hold all four dumbbells in a “farmers carry” fashion. The gymnastic movements will only count if the other two teammates are holding the dumbbells. The gymnastic movements can be broken however the team chooses: 12 synchronized pull-ups, 10 synchronized C2B pull-ups, and 8 synchronized bar muscle-ups. Once the muscle-ups have been completed, the team will take off on a 200 yd shuttle run (holding a rope - 50 yards down, around an object, and 50 yards back, two times). Once the run is completed, the athletes will pick up one dumbbell each and perform 12 single-arm synchronized dumbbell front squats, 10 single-arm synchronized dumbbell shoulder to overhead, and 8 single-arm synchronized dumbbell thrusters (70 lbs for the males / 50 lbs for the females | see standards for synchronicity details). Once completed, the team will move to the rig, where two athletes will perform gymnastic movements while the other two athletes hold all four dumbbells in a “farmers carry” fashion. The gymnastic movements can be broken however the team chooses: 12 synchronized pull-ups, 10 synchronized C2B pull-ups, and 8 synchronized bar muscle-ups. After finishing the muscle-ups, the team will take off on a 100 yd shuttle run (holding a rope - 50 yards down, around an object, and 50 yards back, one time). Once the run is completed, the athletes will pick up one dumbbell each and perform 12 single-arm synchronized dumbbell front squats, 10 single-arm synchronized dumbbell shoulder to overhead, and 8 single-arm synchronized dumbbell thrusters (70 lbs for the males / 50 lbs for the females | see standards for synchronicity details). Once completed, the team will move to the rig, where two athletes will perform gymnastic movements while the other two athletes hold all four dumbbells in a “farmers carry” fashion. The gymnastic movements can be broken however the team chooses: 12 synchronized pull-ups, 10 synchronized C2B pull-ups, and 8 synchronized bar muscle-ups. Once the last muscle-up is completed, the team will sprint through the finish line where time will be recorded (only one member of the team must sprint through the finish line).
Intermediate | Masters CoEd | Scaled: For the gymnastic movements, you will have one person performing the movement, one person hanging from the pull-up bar and the other two holding the four dumbbells in a farmers carry fashion.
Workout Standards:
Run: Athletes must stay in their designated lanes and will run 50 yards down and back for the distance prescribed. All four teammates must be holding the rope during the run.
NOTE: For all single arm dumbbell movements, athletes may switch arms at their discretion.
Synchronized Dumbbell Front Squats: Athletes must hold the dumbbell in the front rack position with at least one head of the dumbbell contacting the shoulder. With the dumbbell in the front rack position, athletes must squat until the crease of the hips are below the knees and stand all the way up to full extension. The repetition is complete when the knees and hips are at full extension. Synchronicity must occur at the bottom of the squat.
Synchronized Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead: Athletes must hold the dumbbell in the front rack position with at least one head of the dumbbell contacting the shoulder. Athletes may perform any style of press / jerk overhead. The repetition is complete when the dumbbell is overhead and the knees, hips and elbows are at full extension. If a split jerk is performed, the feet must be moved back under the hips with the dumbbell overhead and the knees, hips and elbows at full extension before the rep is considered complete. Synchronicity must occur at the top of the movement.
Synchronized Dumbbell Thrusters: Athletes must hold the dumbbell in the front rack position with at least one head of the dumbbell contacting the shoulder. Athletes must squat to a depth where the crease of the hips are below the knees, then stand and press the dumbbell overhead in one fluid motion (jerking the dumbbell is NOT allowed). The repetition is complete when the dumbbell is extended overhead with the knees, hips and elbows in full extension. Synchronicity must occur at the bottom of the squat.
Synchronized Pull-ups: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met. The rep is complete when the athlete’s chin breaks the horizontal plane of the bar. Strict, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as the requirements are met. Synchronicity must occur at the top of the pull-up.
Synchronized CTB Pull-ups: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met. The rep is complete when the athlete’s chest clearly comes into contact with the bar at or below the collarbone. Strict, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as the requirements are met. Synchronicity must occur at the top of the pull-up.
Synchronized Bar Muscle-ups: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip. The athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out over the bar. The rep is complete when the athlete’s arms are fully locked out in the support position above the bar, and the athlete’s shoulders are over or slightly in front of the bar. Only the hands, and no other part of the arm, may touch the bard during the rep. Removing the hands in the support position is not allowed. At lockout, only the arms may support the athlete’s weight. Synchronicity must occur at the top of the muscle-up.
Synchronized Toes to Bar: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. The heels must pass behind the rig for the rep to count. Overhand, underhand, or mixed grips are permitted. The rep is complete when both feet contact the bar. Any part of the feet may make contact with the bar. Synchronicity must occur with all four feet touching the bar.
Scaled ONLY:
Ring Rows: The rings will be preset at a predetermined height (~ 42” from the bottom of the ring to the ground). Athletes' feet will be on a line directly underneath the rings. The rep begins with athletes holding the rings in their hands and leaning back with arms in full extension. The rep is complete when the athletes pull their body to the rings and make contact with their chest to the rings.
Hanging Knee Raises: The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. The heels must pass behind the rig for the rep to count. Overhand, underhand, or mixed grips are permitted. The rep is complete when both knees raise above the crease of the hips.
Pull-ups: Only 1 athlete has to do the pull-ups, while one performs a dead hang on the bar and the other two hold the 4 dumbbells
Time Cap: 12 minutes
Score: For Time
Tie Breaker: N/A
Special Instructions: N/A